使用Calendar DateFormat的方法,不设置时区获取到的小时是本地时区的(东八区的就是8),设置成GMT标准时区获取到的时间是12小时(12:00:00),设置24小时制无效。
1 public class TestTime {
2 public static void main(String[] args) { 3 TestTime tt = new TestTime(); 4 tt.showTimeCount(99*3600000+75*1000); 5 } 6 7 //时间计数器,最多只能到99小时,如需要更大小时数需要改改方法 8 public String showTimeCount(long time) { 9 System.out.println("time="+time); 10 if(time >= 360000000){ 11 return "00:00:00"; 12 } 13 String timeCount = ""; 14 long hourc = time/3600000; 15 String hour = "0" + hourc; 16 System.out.println("hour="+hour); 17 hour = hour.substring(hour.length()-2, hour.length()); 18 System.out.println("hour2="+hour); 19 20 long minuec = (time-hourc*3600000)/(60000); 21 String minue = "0" + minuec; 22 System.out.println("minue="+minue); 23 minue = minue.substring(minue.length()-2, minue.length()); 24 System.out.println("minue2="+minue); 25 26 long secc = (time-hourc*3600000-minuec*60000)/1000; 27 String sec = "0" + secc; 28 System.out.println("sec="+sec); 29 sec = sec.substring(sec.length()-2, sec.length()); 30 System.out.println("sec2="+sec); 31 timeCount = hour + ":" + minue + ":" + sec; 32 System.out.println("timeCount="+timeCount); 33 return timeCount; 34 } 35 36 }
1 //时间计数器,最多只能到99小时,如需要更大小时数需要改改方法
2 public String showTimeCount(long time) { 3 if(time >= 360000000){ 4 return "00:00:00"; 5 } 6 String timeCount = ""; 7 long hourc = time/3600000; 8 String hour = "0" + hourc; 9 hour = hour.substring(hour.length()-2, hour.length()); 10 11 long minuec = (time-hourc*3600000)/(60000); 12 String minue = "0" + minuec; 13 minue = minue.substring(minue.length()-2, minue.length()); 14 15 long secc = (time-hourc*3600000-minuec*60000)/1000; 16 String sec = "0" + secc; 17 sec = sec.substring(sec.length()-2, sec.length()); 18 timeCount = hour + ":" + minue + ":" + sec; 19 return timeCount; 20 } 21 22 private Handler stepTimeHandler; 23 private Runnable mTicker; 24 long startTime = 0; 25 26 //开始按钮 27 class startBtnListener implements OnClickListener { 28 @Override 29 public void onClick(View v) { 30 Button b = (Button)v; 31 String buttonText = b.getText().toString(); 32 if("Start".equalsIgnoreCase(buttonText)){ 33 b.setText("Stop"); 34 // 清零 开始计时 35 stepTimeTV.setText("00:00:00"); 36 stepTimeHandler = new Handler(); 37 startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 38 mTicker = new Runnable() { 39 public void run() { 40 String content = showTimeCount(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); 41 stepTimeTV.setText(content); 42 43 long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); 44 long next = now + (1000 - now % 1000); 45 stepTimeHandler.postAtTime(mTicker, next); 46 } 47 }; 48 //启动计时线程,定时更新 49 mTicker.run(); 50 }else{ 51 b.setText("Start"); 52 //停止计时 Remove any pending posts of Runnable r that are in the message queue. 53 stepTimeHandler.removeCallbacks(mTicker); 54 } 55 } 56 }
1 //开始按钮 通过Calendar时间设置的方式,无法正常显示小时为0
2 class startBtnListener implements OnClickListener { 3 @Override 4 public void onClick(View v) { 5 Button b = (Button)v; 6 String buttonText = b.getText().toString(); 7 if("Start".equalsIgnoreCase(buttonText)){ 8 b.setText("Stop"); 9 // 清零 开始计时 10 stepTimeTV.setText("00:00:00"); 11 if (mCalendar == null) { 12 mCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); 13 TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");//GMT+8 14 mCalendar.setTimeZone(tz); 15 mCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);//24小时制 16 } 17 stepTimeHandler = new Handler(); 18 //System.uptimeMillis() //记录从机器启动后到现在的毫秒数,当系统进入深度睡眠时,此计时器将会停止 19 //System.currentTimeMillis() //返回自1970年1月1日到现在的毫秒数,通常用来设置日期和时间 20 //System.elapsedRealtime() //返回从机器启动后到现在的毫秒数,包括系统深度睡眠的时间,api里没有这个方法 21 //直接取得的是当地时区时间,当地时间跟时区有关,设置GMT后始终多12小时 22 startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();//12*3600000 - 36*3600000减掉或者加上12小时都不行 3 mTicker = new Runnable() { 24 public void run() { 25 //这个减出来的日期是1970年的 时间格式不能出现00:00:00 12:00:00 26 long showTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; 27 Log.i(TAG,showTime+""); 28 mCalendar.setTimeInMillis(showTime + 13*3600000 + 1000); 29 String content = (String) DateFormat.format(mFormat, mCalendar); 30 stepTimeTV.setText(content); 31 32 long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); 33 long next = now + (1000 - now % 1000); 34 stepTimeHandler.postAtTime(mTicker, next); 35 } 36 }; 37 //启动计时线程,定时更新 38 mTicker.run(); 39 }else{ 40 b.setText("Start"); 41 //停止计时 Remove any pending posts of Runnable r that are in the message queue. 42 stepTimeHandler.removeCallbacks(mTicker); 43 } 44 } 45 } 46 47 private Handler stepTimeHandler; 48 Calendar mCalendar; 49 String mFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss";//yyyy-MM-dd 50 long startTime = 0; 51 private Runnable mTicker;