Lossless Scaling是一款非常给力的分辨率处理软件,能将窗口化的游戏界面无损放大到全屏效果,基本上一些经典的老款窗口游戏都能通过Lossless Scaling来无损放大到全屏来体验,甚至还能给游戏加上抗锯齿功能,让您体验更加爽快的游戏画面效果。本次放出Lossless Scaling硬盘版资源下载,有相关游戏分辨率体验需求的朋友们不妨试试吧!
Lossless Scaling软件简介:
Lossless Scaling可以将任何窗口化游戏伸展至全屏而不会产生模糊,当你在最新PC上玩那些怀旧经典游戏时,以低于原始显示分辨率全屏运行游戏时会产生画面模糊的情况,Lossless Scaling可以让游戏窗口无边界,并用整数乘法将其缩放至全屏,输出图像保持原始清晰度和完整性,此外,即使游戏本身没有全屏抗锯齿功能,你也可以在工具中开启。
Lossless Scaling分辨率设置:
720p, 1080p screens:
Scaling old low resolution games
1440p screens:
Scaling old low resolution games
Scaling 2D games (3x480p, 2x720p)
Scaling modern 3D games (2x720p)
2160p screens:
Scaling old low resolution games
Scaling 2D games (4x480p, 3x720p, 2x1080p)
Scaling modern 3D games (2x1080p, 1.5x1440p)
操作系统Windows 8
附注事项Attention! Windows 7 is not supported. Touchscreens have not been tested and may not be supported. In the case of a multi display setup, the game will be shown on the primary display, all the secondary displays will be black. May not make full use of adaptive sync technologies such as FreeSync/G-Sync.