U濠㈠爢鍐憥v4.7.37.56 闁哄牃鍋撻柡鍌涘婢э拷U濠㈠爢鍐憥v4.7.37.56 闁哄牃鍋撻柡鍌涘婢э拷
HD Tune  Prov5.75 婵懓顦€佃尙绱掗懗顖氼棌闁绘鎳撻崺鍡涙偋閿燂拷HD Tune Prov5.75 婵懓顦€佃尙绱掗懗顖氼棌闁绘鎳撻崺鍡涙偋閿燂拷
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360閺夌儐鍨▎銏㈢不閳ユ剚鍟€v7.5.0.1460 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�360閺夌儐鍨▎銏㈢不閳ユ剚鍟€v7.5.0.1460 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�
Cpu-Z濞戞搩鍘介弸鍐偋閸э拷1.98.0 缂備浇鍎绘竟濠冪▔椤撶喐鐎柣妤嬫嫹Cpu-Z濞戞搩鍘介弸鍐偋閸э拷1.98.0 缂備浇鍎绘竟濠冪▔椤撶喐鐎柣妤嬫嫹
闁煎灚宕橀鍡涙偨娴e啫澹嬬紒鐘偓鎰佸晙V15.2 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�闁煎灚宕橀鍡涙偨娴e啫澹嬬紒鐘偓鎰佸晙V15.2 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�
office2016婵犵鍋撴繛鑼额嚙娴兼劙宕楃粚鏀巗v19.5.2 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�office2016婵犵鍋撴繛鑼额嚙娴兼劙宕楃粚鏀巗v19.5.2 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�
閺夆晛鎳樺ù锟�11闁哄牃鍋撻柡鍌涘婢ф 閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�閺夆晛鎳樺ù锟�11闁哄牃鍋撻柡鍌涘婢ф 閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�
360闁稿繐绉烽崹鍊僫fi5.3.0.5000 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�360闁稿繐绉烽崹鍊僫fi5.3.0.5000 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�
360閻庣懓顦崣蹇撁硅箛姘兼綌闁革綇鎷�2022v13.1.5188.0 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�360閻庣懓顦崣蹇撁硅箛姘兼綌闁革綇鎷�2022v13.1.5188.0 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�
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闊浂鍋呴幐锟�5.0婵﹢鏅茬粭澶愬础閸モ晠鐛撻柣妤嬫嫹5.0.80 濡ょ姰鍔岄妵鏃堟偋閿燂拷闊浂鍋呴幐锟�5.0婵﹢鏅茬粭澶愬础閸モ晠鐛撻柣妤嬫嫹5.0.80 濡ょ姰鍔岄妵鏃堟偋閿燂拷
濞村吋锕㈤崣锟�2022閻庡箍鍨洪崺娑氱博閻わ拷8.0.9.11050 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�濞村吋锕㈤崣锟�2022閻庡箍鍨洪崺娑氱博閻わ拷8.0.9.11050 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�
photoshop cs6 濞戞搩鍘介弸鍐偋閿燂拷13.1.2.3 闁稿繐绉烽崹鍌涚▔椤撶喐鐎柣妤嬫嫹photoshop cs6 濞戞搩鍘介弸鍐偋閿燂拷13.1.2.3 闁稿繐绉烽崹鍌涚▔椤撶喐鐎柣妤嬫嫹
Autodesk 3ds Max 2012閻庤蓱閺岀喓绮婚埀顒佹媴閹捐尪鍘柡鍌氭川婢ф32&64]Autodesk 3ds Max 2012閻庤蓱閺岀喓绮婚埀顒佹媴閹捐尪鍘柡鍌氭川婢ф32&64]
.NET Framework 4.8閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�4.8.3646.NET Framework 4.8閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�4.8.3646
QQ2022v9.5.6.28129 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�QQ2022v9.5.6.28129 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�
鐎甸偊鍠曟穱濠囨偨娴e啫澹嬮柣妤嬫嫹2022v3.5.0.44 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�鐎甸偊鍠曟穱濠囨偨娴e啫澹嬮柣妤嬫嫹2022v3.5.0.44 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�
闁告鍟版晶浼村础閺嵮屽晙鐎规悶鍎扮紞鏃堢嵁閸愭彃閰眝9.02.02N 閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�闁告鍟版晶浼村础閺嵮屽晙鐎规悶鍎扮紞鏃堢嵁閸愭彃閰眝9.02.02N 閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�
濡炲鍋樻穱锟�2018V6.2.0700 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�濡炲鍋樻穱锟�2018V6.2.0700 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�
F1 2015
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闁伙絽鎳橀埀顒佹⒒缂嶅骞嶇€n偅绨氶悗骞垮灪閸╂稓绮╅惀锟�5.6.9 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�闁伙絽鎳橀埀顒佹⒒缂嶅骞嶇€n偅绨氶悗骞垮灪閸╂稓绮╅惀锟�5.6.9 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�
p2psearcher閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷7.3  闁归潧顑嗗┃鈧柣妤嬫嫹p2psearcher閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷7.3 闁归潧顑嗗┃鈧柣妤嬫嫹
闂佷即顥撶€氬秹妫呴崗鍛唶2022閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч崷锟�11.0.8 閻庤蓱閺岀喓鈧懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷闂佷即顥撶€氬秹妫呴崗鍛唶2022閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч崷锟�11.0.8 閻庤蓱閺岀喓鈧懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
闁谎勫劤鐎瑰疇銇愰柆宥囧従7.13.0 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�闁谎勫劤鐎瑰疇銇愰柆宥囧従7.13.0 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�
鐟滀即浜堕悡鍫曞礂閸儲鏁眝6.9.0 閻庣懓顦畷婊堝箥鐎n偅绨氶柣妤嬫嫹鐟滀即浜堕悡鍫曞礂閸儲鏁眝6.9.0 閻庣懓顦畷婊堝箥鐎n偅绨氶柣妤嬫嫹
闁煎灚宕橀鍡涘礉閵婏附鐎琕9.11.5 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷闁煎灚宕橀鍡涘礉閵婏附鐎琕9.11.5 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
濞戞棑闄勫Λ妤冧焊韫囨凹鍤涢柛蹇撶Х閸ㄥ倿鎮ч崼鐔告嫳v11.5.5.153 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�濞戞棑闄勫Λ妤冧焊韫囨凹鍤涢柛蹇撶Х閸ㄥ倿鎮ч崼鐔告嫳v11.5.5.153 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�
QQ闂傚啫鎳撻浼村闯閳烘及pV7.7.1.910 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�QQ闂傚啫鎳撻浼村闯閳烘及pV7.7.1.910 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�
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妤犵偛鍟块悾銊ф嫚娴gǹ鐓栭悗鐟扳€﹂柣鐐叉閸屸晵9.1.0.1 閻庤蓱閺岀喓鈧懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷妤犵偛鍟块悾銊ф嫚娴gǹ鐓栭悗鐟扳€﹂柣鐐叉閸屸晵9.1.0.1 閻庤蓱閺岀喓鈧懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
婵炲鍏橀埀顒佷亢閻﹀宕氶崨濠傤杹闁哄牐娅f晶锟�(e婵炲鍏橀埀顒佷亢閸岋拷)8.71 閻庤蓱閺岀喓鈧懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷婵炲鍏橀埀顒佷亢閻﹀宕氶崨濠傤杹闁哄牐娅f晶锟�(e婵炲鍏橀埀顒佷亢閸岋拷)8.71 閻庤蓱閺岀喓鈧懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
濞戞挻绮嶉幑锝囨嫚娴gǹ鐓栧☉鎾寸矋閹癸綁鎮堕崱姘亶4.0.5 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷濞戞挻绮嶉幑锝囨嫚娴gǹ鐓栧☉鎾寸矋閹癸綁鎮堕崱姘亶4.0.5 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
濞戞搩鍙冮幗杈╂嫚娴gǹ鐓栫紒澶庮嚙婵晠鎮堕崱姘亶閺夌儐鍨▎锟�6.02.010 閻庤蓱閺岀喓鈧懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷濞戞搩鍙冮幗杈╂嫚娴gǹ鐓栫紒澶庮嚙婵晠鎮堕崱姘亶閺夌儐鍨▎锟�6.02.010 閻庤蓱閺岀喓鈧懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
闁告閰g欢宕囨嫚娴gǹ鐓栭悘蹇撶箻閸i箖骞嶇€n偅绨氶柣鐐叉閸屻劍娼娆愵偨3.2.4 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷闁告閰g欢宕囨嫚娴gǹ鐓栭悘蹇撶箻閸i箖骞嶇€n偅绨氶柣鐐叉閸屻劍娼娆愵偨3.2.4 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
缂佸倸绻愮紓鎾诲礃濠婂嫭缍戝ǎ鍥风磿閺併倗绮堥悙顒€顤侀柡鍫熸そ閹借京鎮扮仦绛嬪悅闁规挳顥撻锟�2.3.4 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷缂佸倸绻愮紓鎾诲礃濠婂嫭缍戝ǎ鍥风磿閺併倗绮堥悙顒€顤侀柡鍫熸そ閹借京鎮扮仦绛嬪悅闁规挳顥撻锟�2.3.4 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
闁衡偓椤栨瑧甯涢悗瑙勭箞閹稿爼宕犻敓锟�(Alipay)V10.2.53.7000 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷闁衡偓椤栨瑧甯涢悗瑙勭箞閹稿爼宕犻敓锟�(Alipay)V10.2.53.7000 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
濞戞搩鍘煎ù妤€顔忛妷銉︽珜闂佺偓鍎奸、鎴﹀箥鐎n偅绨氶梺鐐劶椤㈡叧ppV7. 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷濞戞搩鍘煎ù妤€顔忛妷銉︽珜闂佺偓鍎奸、鎴﹀箥鐎n偅绨氶梺鐐劶椤㈡叧ppV7. 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
濞戞搩鍘煎ù妤呮煣閹偊鏀介柟闈涱儐濠р偓闂佺偓鍎奸、鎴犫偓骞垮灪閸╂稓绮╅敓锟�7.2.5 閻庤蓱閺岀喓鈧懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷濞戞搩鍘煎ù妤呮煣閹偊鏀介柟闈涱儐濠р偓闂佺偓鍎奸、鎴犫偓骞垮灪閸╂稓绮╅敓锟�7.2.5 閻庤蓱閺岀喓鈧懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
闁煎灚宕橀鍡涙偖鎼淬劌顨欓弶鍫濆綖濮瑰骞嶇€n偅绨氶柣妤€婀� 閻庤蓱閺岀喓鈧懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷闁煎灚宕橀鍡涙偖鎼淬劌顨欓弶鍫濆綖濮瑰骞嶇€n偅绨氶柣妤€婀� 閻庤蓱閺岀喓鈧懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
婵$偛绉舵晶鎸庡緞瑜庨崹顒勫磽闂堟稒顢嶉柛蹇嬪妽濡叉垿寮伴敓锟�1.0.91 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷婵$偛绉舵晶鎸庡緞瑜庨崹顒勫磽闂堟稒顢嶉柛蹇嬪妽濡叉垿寮伴敓锟�1.0.91 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
闁革箓顣︾粭鍛村春鎼达絿宕愰柛鎴炴閳ь剙宕憈闁绘鎷�1.6.3 閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�闁革箓顣︾粭鍛村春鎼达絿宕愰柛鎴炴閳ь剙宕憈闁绘鎷�1.6.3 閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�
閻熶礁鎳愰弫鎶芥嚂閺冨倹绀�1.325.157 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷閻熶礁鎳愰弫鎶芥嚂閺冨倹绀�1.325.157 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
闁革讣绲鹃弸鐔哥珶椤愶絾袝闁活厹鍨藉▔锔剧磼閹硷拷4.2.1 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷闁革讣绲鹃弸鐔哥珶椤愶絾袝闁活厹鍨藉▔锔剧磼閹硷拷4.2.1 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
閻庣懓顦畷婊冾渻瀹ュ洤鈷栧鍫嗗嫬鐏涢柛宥夋涧濡楋拷2濮掓稒鍨跺▓顐﹀籍閺堥潧鏁╁ǎ鍥跺枟閺佸ジ鎮ч崷锟�1.9.5 闁哄牃鍋撻柡鍌涘婢э拷閻庣懓顦畷婊冾渻瀹ュ洤鈷栧鍫嗗嫬鐏涢柛宥夋涧濡楋拷2濮掓稒鍨跺▓顐﹀籍閺堥潧鏁╁ǎ鍥跺枟閺佸ジ鎮ч崷锟�1.9.5 闁哄牃鍋撻柡鍌涘婢э拷
濞e洦绻傚畷濂告媰濠靛棗妞�3闁哄啰濞€濡炬椽鏌﹂懡銈囧従闁哄牃鍋撻柡鍌涘婢ф 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷濞e洦绻傚畷濂告媰濠靛棗妞�3闁哄啰濞€濡炬椽鏌﹂懡銈囧従闁哄牃鍋撻柡鍌涘婢ф 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
闁告瑱缍€椤d即鎳熼柆宥嗙闁告娲樺┃鈧柣妤嬫嫹1.2.0 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷闁告瑱缍€椤d即鎳熼柆宥嗙闁告娲樺┃鈧柣妤嬫嫹1.2.0 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
閻忓繐绻愰惃顒勫礃濞戞ɑ绀嬮悗鐟邦槸瀹曟粓鎮ч敓锟�2.7.4 闁哄啰濞€濡炬椽鏌岄幋婵堫伈濞e浂鍠楅弫濂告偋閿燂拷閻忓繐绻愰惃顒勫礃濞戞ɑ绀嬮悗鐟邦槸瀹曟粓鎮ч敓锟�2.7.4 闁哄啰濞€濡炬椽鏌岄幋婵堫伈濞e浂鍠楅弫濂告偋閿燂拷
闁谎嗩嚙閸栨鎸у☉婊勭盃2闁归潧顑嗛悥锟�1.47.1  閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷闁谎嗩嚙閸栨鎸у☉婊勭盃2闁归潧顑嗛悥锟�1.47.1 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
濞戞挴鍋撻悹褔鏀卞ḿ鍨槹閻愯埖绨犻悗鐟邦槸瀹曟粓鎮ч崸锟�2.9.14 闁哄牃鍋撻柡鍌涘婢э拷濞戞挴鍋撻悹褔鏀卞ḿ鍨槹閻愯埖绨犻悗鐟邦槸瀹曟粓鎮ч崸锟�2.9.14 闁哄牃鍋撻柡鍌涘婢э拷
閻犵儤鍨肩粣鍥础閳ヨ尙顏查弶鐑囬檮婢ф粓寮甸搹鐟邦暭閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣紇1.16.2 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷閻犵儤鍨肩粣鍥础閳ヨ尙顏查弶鐑囬檮婢ф粓寮甸搹鐟邦暭閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣紇1.16.2 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
闁绘瑥鍊块崳瑙勵槹濞嗘帗绨�8闁哄绶氶埀顒傚枎閸i攱绂嶉幋婊勫弿闁衡偓閸︻厼顣�(闁稿繐绉甸弳鐔煎箲椤旂厧鐦�)v4.6.0j 闂佸弶鍨电粩鐢稿籍閻樼粯顎欓柣妤嬫嫹闁绘瑥鍊块崳瑙勵槹濞嗘帗绨�8闁哄绶氶埀顒傚枎閸i攱绂嶉幋婊勫弿闁衡偓閸︻厼顣�(闁稿繐绉甸弳鐔煎箲椤旂厧鐦�)v4.6.0j 闂佸弶鍨电粩鐢稿籍閻樼粯顎欓柣妤嬫嫹
闁谎冨綖缁犱即宕¢崘顏勪粡闁硅娲熸總锟�2021闁哄牃鍋撻柡鍌涘婢э拷5.78 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷闁谎冨綖缁犱即宕¢崘顏勪粡闁硅娲熸總锟�2021闁哄牃鍋撻柡鍌涘婢э拷5.78 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
婵⿵绠戞径鐔烘嫚濞戞鑸堕柟闈涱儐閻栧爼鎮ч敓锟�1.3.6 閻庤蓱閺岀喓鈧懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷婵⿵绠戞径鐔烘嫚濞戞鑸堕柟闈涱儐閻栧爼鎮ч敓锟�1.3.6 閻庤蓱閺岀喓鈧懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
闁绘粌顑堥埀顒€鎳撳畷鎶芥嚀閳х悤3.72.1.1 閻庣懓顦畷婊堝嫉閳ь剟寮弶璺ㄦ毉闁哄倸婀辨晶锟�闁绘粌顑堥埀顒€鎳撳畷鎶芥嚀閳х悤3.72.1.1 閻庣懓顦畷婊堝嫉閳ь剟寮弶璺ㄦ毉闁哄倸婀辨晶锟�
閻犲绀侀宥囦焊韫囨碍绨犵€殿喚鍎ゆ晶婊堝嫉閾忕懓顣紇1.0.49 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷閻犲绀侀宥囦焊韫囨碍绨犵€殿喚鍎ゆ晶婊堝嫉閾忕懓顣紇1.0.49 閻庣懓顦畷婊堟偋閿燂拷
mac缁惧彞鑳跺ú蹇涘礆閸℃闅樼€规悶鍎遍崣锟�(Paragon Camptune X)V10.8.12閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�mac缁惧彞鑳跺ú蹇涘礆閸℃闅樼€规悶鍎遍崣锟�(Paragon Camptune X)V10.8.12閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�
闁兼槒顫夐悘澶愬箼瀹ュ嫮绋婄紒顖濆吹缁瘲ACOSX 10.9.4 Mavericks閻庣懓鑻崣蹇涘礂瀹ュ牆鐎柣妤嬫嫹闁兼槒顫夐悘澶愬箼瀹ュ嫮绋婄紒顖濆吹缁瘲ACOSX 10.9.4 Mavericks閻庣懓鑻崣蹇涘礂瀹ュ牆鐎柣妤嬫嫹
Rar閻熸瑱绲界敮鍥礆閳轰焦鐝ac闁绘婢�1.4 閻庤蓱閺岀喖宕楀鍫濈€柣妤嬫嫹Rar閻熸瑱绲界敮鍥礆閳轰焦鐝ac闁绘婢�1.4 閻庤蓱閺岀喖宕楀鍫濈€柣妤嬫嫹
Mac閻庣懓顦畷婊兾熼埄鍐ㄧ彲闁革綇鎷�(ARC Welder)v1.0 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�Mac閻庣懓顦畷婊兾熼埄鍐ㄧ彲闁革綇鎷�(ARC Welder)v1.0 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�
Charles for MacV3.9.3閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�Charles for MacV3.9.3閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�
闁瑰吋绮庣€氬秴霉韫囨凹娼旈柛锝傛殨ac闁绘婢�5.2 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�闁瑰吋绮庣€氬秴霉韫囨凹娼旈柛锝傛殨ac闁绘婢�5.2 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�
闊浂鍋嗘晶鐢縜c闁绘婢�1.3.2 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�闊浂鍋嗘晶鐢縜c闁绘婢�1.3.2 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�
Apple Logic Pro xV10.3.2Apple Logic Pro xV10.3.2
Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017 mac闁绘婢�11.0.0 濞戞搩鍘介弸鍐偋閿燂拷Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017 mac闁绘婢�11.0.0 濞戞搩鍘介弸鍐偋閿燂拷
闁告鍟畷鍫ユ濞嗗繑鍎擬ac闁绘婀�9.1.1 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�闁告鍟畷鍫ユ濞嗗繑鍎擬ac闁绘婀�9.1.1 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�
Mac缂傚啯鍨圭划鍫曟儎鐎涙ɑ灏¢弶鐑嗗灟濞嗭拷(MacTV)v0.121 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�Mac缂傚啯鍨圭划鍫曟儎鐎涙ɑ灏¢弶鐑嗗灟濞嗭拷(MacTV)v0.121 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�
Adobe Fireworks CS6 Mac闁绘婀慡6閻庤蓱閺岀喓绮婚埀顒佹媴閹捐尪鍘柡鍌氭川婢э拷Adobe Fireworks CS6 Mac闁绘婀慡6閻庤蓱閺岀喓绮婚埀顒佹媴閹捐尪鍘柡鍌氭川婢э拷
AutoCAD2015 mac濞戞搩鍘介弸鍐偋閸喐鎷眝1.0 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�AutoCAD2015 mac濞戞搩鍘介弸鍐偋閸喐鎷眝1.0 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�
Adobe Photoshop cs6 mac闁绘婢�13.0.3 閻庤蓱閺岀喐绋夐鐔哥€柣妤嬫嫹Adobe Photoshop cs6 mac闁绘婢�13.0.3 閻庤蓱閺岀喐绋夐鐔哥€柣妤嬫嫹
Mac闁活厹鍨介崳铏圭磼濡儤绂堥弶鐑嗗灟濞嗭拷(Sketch mac)v3.3.2 濞戞搩鍘介弸鍐偋閿燂拷Mac闁活厹鍨介崳铏圭磼濡儤绂堥弶鐑嗗灟濞嗭拷(Sketch mac)v3.3.2 濞戞搩鍘介弸鍐偋閿燂拷
Adobe After Effects cs6 mac闁绘婢�1.0濞戞搩鍘介弸鍐偋閿燂拷Adobe After Effects cs6 mac闁绘婢�1.0濞戞搩鍘介弸鍐偋閿燂拷
Adobe InDesign cs6 mac1.0 閻庤蓱閺岀喐绋夐鐔哥€柣妤嬫嫹Adobe InDesign cs6 mac1.0 閻庤蓱閺岀喐绋夐鐔哥€柣妤嬫嫹
Mac闁绘鐗嗛幓鈺呭箻閿燂拷1.1.26 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘婧俤mg]Mac闁绘鐗嗛幓鈺呭箻閿燂拷1.1.26 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘婧俤mg]
Mac閻犲洩顕ч崯鎻楾FS(Paragon NTFS for Mac)12.1.62 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�Mac閻犲洩顕ч崯鎻楾FS(Paragon NTFS for Mac)12.1.62 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�
閺夆晛鎳樺ù锟�10 for macv3.4.1.4368 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�閺夆晛鎳樺ù锟�10 for macv3.4.1.4368 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�
Mac濞戞挸顑嗗〒璺侯嚕閸濆嫨浜i柣銊ュ闁绱掗悢鍝ヮ伕闁荤偛妫楁导鎰板礂閿燂拷(CleanMyMac for mac)v3.1.1 婵繐绲界槐锟犳偋閿燂拷Mac濞戞挸顑嗗〒璺侯嚕閸濆嫨浜i柣銊ュ闁绱掗悢鍝ヮ伕闁荤偛妫楁导鎰板礂閿燂拷(CleanMyMac for mac)v3.1.1 婵繐绲界槐锟犳偋閿燂拷
闁兼槒顫夐悘濉€ootCamp5.1.5640 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�闁兼槒顫夐悘濉€ootCamp5.1.5640 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�
鐎甸偊鍠曟穱濂縫ad闁绘鎷�2020v7.0.12 閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�鐎甸偊鍠曟穱濂縫ad闁绘鎷�2020v7.0.12 閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�
iphone闁归潧顑嗗┃鈧琿q2021v8.5.0 閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�iphone闁归潧顑嗗┃鈧琿q2021v8.5.0 閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�
闁哄嫭鎸锋穱濂縊S闁绘婢�7.3.13 iPhone闁绘鎷�闁哄嫭鎸锋穱濂縊S闁绘婢�7.3.13 iPhone闁绘鎷�
闂傚嫬鐭傚锟� iphoneV8.32.4 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�闂傚嫬鐭傚锟� iphoneV8.32.4 閻庤蓱閺岀喎顫㈤敐鍛闁绘鎷�
闁告鍟版晶锟� iphone闁绘鎷�9.2.5 閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�闁告鍟版晶锟� iphone闁绘鎷�9.2.5 閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�
闊浂鍋嗘晶鐢禤hone闁绘鎷�5.7.3 閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�闊浂鍋嗘晶鐢禤hone闁绘鎷�5.7.3 閻庤蓱閺岀喖鎮ч敓锟�
婵烇絾锚閻わ拷 for iPhonev9.5.15 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�婵烇絾锚閻わ拷 for iPhonev9.5.15 閻庤蓱閺岀喖寮甸埀顒勫棘閹殿喖顣�
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首页游戏资讯游戏新闻 → DotA 6.69英雄等详细改动官方英文日志

DotA 6.69英雄等详细改动官方英文日志

相关文章发表评论 来源:本站整理时间:2010/10/12 17:13:58字体大小:A-A+

作者:佚名点击:264次评论:0次标签: DotA

11dota小秘书工具v1.0 绿色版
  • 类型:游戏其他大小:2.6M语言:中文 评分:10.0
  • 标签:

  DotA 6.69 中文版下载:http://www.cr173.com/soft/16772.html

This patch is focused primarily on balance improvements. Rather than wait until more content is finished for one bigger patch, I've decided to release a smaller patch first for general gameplay improvements while working on content for next patch. Let me know what you guys think and as always feel free to email me any requests.


  - Unstable Concoction stun duration rescaled from 2.5/3/3.5/4 to 1.75/2.5/3.25/4

  - Added an AoE effect indicator for the Alchemist player while he is charging his Unstable Concoction


  - Battle Hunger slow increased to 10%

  - Cooldown on Aghanim's Culling Blade reduced from 15 to 10 seconds

Bane Elemental

  - Brainsap damage rebalanced from 75/150/225/300 to 90/160/230/300

  - Enfeeble damage rebalanced from 30/60/90/120% to 40/60/80/100% (above 100% didn't work properly)

  - Added -disablehelp for Nightmare, to stop direct casting on allies (3123839)

  - Nightmare fixed so it properly stops enemy potions (3123839)


  - Fixed a bug with Sticky Napalm overhead text (+1, +2, etc) that was recently added from being visible to the enemy


  - Hawk's HP reduced from 100/200 to 50/100

  - Invisibility on Hawk reworked. It now fades out automatically whenever it hasn't moved for 8 seconds.

Bone Fletcher

  - Death Pact attack damage rebalanced from 6/7/8% to 4/6/8% of targets HP

Bounty Hunter

  - Jinada critical strike increased from 1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0 to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25

  - Track cast range increased from 750/950/1150 to 900/1050/1200


  - Increased XP given for killing Broodmother's Spiderlings


  - Movement speed increased from 310 to 315

Crystal Maiden

  - Crystal Nova slow duration reduced from 5 to 3.5/4/4.5/5 seconds.

  - Crystal Nova damage increased from 80/130/180/230 to 100/150/200/250.


  - Shallow Grave now has a duration indicator for allies


  - Fixed over-sized click boundaries for Tombstone

Doom Bringer

  - Base armor reduced by 2

  - Doom cast range reduced from 650 to 550


  - Aghanim's Scepter added to Enchantress (Increases her attack and Impetus range by 150)

  Aghanim Upgrade Ability Code: A1WB


  - Eidolons HP reduced from 200/225/225/275 to 180/200/220/240

Faceless Void

  -Strength growth increased from 1.4 to 1.6


  - Wrath of Nature (Aghanim's version) max chain increased from 12/14/16 to 14/16/18

  - Force of Nature Treants can now attack air units (275356)

  - Sprout code improved to reduce the chances of heroes sometimes popping out of it

  - Sprout targeting change from 6.67 removed

  - Wrath of Nature can now be cast through the minimap and it will select the closest unit as the initial target (275356)

  Ability Code: A1W8

  Aghanim Upgraded Ability Code: A1W9


  - Homing Missile now adds an ally only visual effect on targeted enemies

  - Homing Missile cast range increased by 150

  - Homing Missile cooldown from 20/18/16/14 to 20/17/14/11

  - Rocket Barrage damage improved from 10/12/14/16 to 10/13/16/19


  - Berserker's Blood attack speed bonus increased from 2/4/6/8 to 3/6/9/12


  - Invoker now gains attribute points for each orb he levels

  +2 Intelligence for Exort

  +2 Agility for Wex

  +2 Strength for Quas


  - Increased Macropyre (Aghanim's version) travel distance


  - Omnislash no longer wastes a strike by considering banished units in its search

Keeper of the Light

  - Recall is now targetable through the minimap

Lone Druid

  - Leash range increased to 1100

  - True Form movement speed from 270 to 280

  - The '>

  - Spirit Bear attack point improved

  - Fixed common scenarios where Spirit Bear would miss its attack as the target was moving

  - Casting Summon Spirit Bear while the bear is still alive will restore that bear's health instead of not allowing you to cast.


  - Hellfire Blast damage redistributed to some on impact and some dps (312517)

  - Scoreboard now displays Skeleton King's ultimate cooldown time

  - Skeleton King will be automatically selected for you after he reincarnates


  - Pulse Nova AoE increased from 300/350/400 to a constant 400

Lina Inverse

  - Laguna Blade (Aghanim's version) damage increased from 600/875/1150 to 600/925/1250


  - Eclipse (Aghanim's version) target limit increased from 5 to 6

  - Strength growth increased from 1.75 to 1.9

  - Movement speed increased from 320 to 330


  - Shapeshift duration increased from 14/15/16 to a constant 18 seconds


  - Strength gain increased from 1.3 to 1.6

  - Improved Geomancer's base damage by 5

  - Fixed some targeting issues with casting poof (300996)


  - Skewer damage rescaled to 70/140/210/280


  - Adaptive Strike damage type changed from Physical to Magical (248693)

  - Replicate cannot target Morphling's own illusions anymore


  - Attack range reduced from 600 to 550

Pandarean Brewmaster

  - Cooldown on the Boulder ability on Primal Split's Earth Panda decreased from 10 to 7 seconds

Phantom Assassin

  - Base Strength increased from 17 to 20

  - Strength growth decreased from 2.05 to 1.85

  - Phantom Strike cooldown from 30/20/10/5 to 20/15/10/5

Phantom Lancer

  - Strength growth reduced from 2.0 to 1.7

Pit Lord

  - Dark Rift AoE increased from 375 to 450

Priestess of the Moon

  - Leap cooldown improved from 40/35/30/20 to 30/26/22/18

Queen of Pain

  - Sonic Wave (Agahnim's version) cooldown improved from 120/100/80 to 100/70/40

  - Shadow Strike cooldown rescaled from 20/17/14/11 to 20/16/12/8


  - Static Link drains damage over 8 seconds instead of 10.

  - Static Link damage per second rescaled from 5/10/15/20 to 7/14/21/28

  - Plasma Field cooldown from 16 to 14

Sand King

  - Epicenter (Aghanim's version) now gives one more pulse

  - Fixed some lag with Epicenter

  - Fixed a bug with Sand Storm if you recast it very quickly while still invisible

Shadow Fiend

  - Added a new command (-souls) to see the number of souls you have collected


  - Decreased base Agility from 21 to 15 and increased starting damage by the same amount

  - Pounce damage rescaled from 50/75/100/125 to 40/80/120/160

  - Dark Pact cooldown reduced from 10 to 10/9/8/7

Spirit Breaker

  - Greater Bash no longer messes up the target's command

  - Nether Strike mana cost from 200/250/300 to 125/150/175

  - Nether Strike (Aghanim's version) now Greater Bashes everyone in 250 area around you when you teleport to the primary target (306008)

Storm Spirit

  - Intelligence base and growth reduced from 26 + 2.6 to 23 + 2.2

  - Electric Vortex mana cost increased from 100 to 100/110/120/130


  - Base damage increased by 5

  - Remote Mine autoselection removed

  - Remote Mines cast time reduced from 2 to 1.5 seconds

  - Added a new sub ability Focused Detonate that you can use on the minimap or in an area to detonate all nearby remote mines (AoE of 700) (297625)

  Ability Code: A1WF


  - Laser's miss mechanic reworked.

  Old Miss:


  10/15/20/25% chance to miss affecting a 250 AoE for 9 seconds

  New Miss:


  100% chance to miss on the primary target for 2 seconds.


  - War Club hit count and AoE increased


  - Base Intelligence increased from 15 to 19

  - Fixed melee/range item to update properly for Metamorphosis transformation

  - Fixed Manta Style interaction with Metamorphosis (so he can use it properly now)

  Ability Code: A1RI


  - Static Storm cooldown increased from 60 to 75

Troll Warlord

  - Battle Trance self duration increased from 8 to 10 seconds

  - Fixed melee/range item to update properly for Berserker Rage transformation

Vengeful Spirit

  - Magic Missile stun duration rescaled from 1.75 to 1.45/1.55/1.65/1.75


  - Plague Ward's bounty increased from 3-9 to 14-17


  - Viper Strike (Aghanim's version) mana cost reduced from 125/175/250 to 125

Guardian Wisp

  - Tether Stun duration reduced from 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0 to 1/1.25/1.5/1.75

  - Relocate cooldown increased from 80/60/40 to 90/75/60


  - Increased Infernal movement speed from 320/330/340 to 320/340/360

  - Immolation from multiple Infernals now stack (281065)

Wind Runner

  - Night vision reduced to that of normal heroes (1200->800)

  - Shackleshot's search angle reduced from 30 to 26 degrees

Witch Doctor

  - Casks first bounce no longer stuns for additional duration, it now lasts the same as all the bounces

  - Voodoo Restoration mana cost per second from 6/9/12/15 to 8/14/20/26

Animal Courier

  - Automatically upgraded to Flying Courier when you put the recipe on it (148581)

Aghanim's Scepter

  - Now requires all three +10 attribute items instead of 2 and a 1100 gold recipe

Armlet of Mordiggian

  - HP regen and lifedrain increased by 2 (overall +2 regen while inactive, no effective change while active)

  - Recipe cost decreased from 900 to 700

Boots of Speed

  - Movement speed from 50 to 55

Bracer, Null Talisman & Wraith Band

  - Added +3 bonus damage to Bracer/Null/Wraith

  - Increased Bracer/Null/Wraith recipe costs from 175/150/125 to 190/170/150

Buriza Do Kyanon

  - Critical strike factor from 2.4 to 2.5

Clarity Potion

  - Double clicking on Clarity Potion causes it to be used on your hero


  - Now requires a Null Talisman instead of a Blades of Attack

Ethereal Blade

  - Slow on Ether Blast increased from 30 to 45%

  - Cooldown on Ether Blast from 35 to 30

Eul's Scepter of Divinity

  - Mana regeneration increased from 125% to 150% to match its components

Ghost Scepter

  - Cooldown increased from 25 to 30

  - Cost increased from 1500 to 1600

Eye of Skadi

  - No longer requires the 300 gold recipe

Hand of Midas

  - Transmute now gives 2.5 XP when used on a unit (2744725)

Healing Salve

  - Double clicking on Healing Salve causes it to be used on your hero

Hood of Defiance

  - Recipe changed from 2x RoR + Cloak + Helm to 2x RoR + Cloak + RoH (297602)

Magic Stick & Magic Wand

  - AoE for gaining charges reduced from 1600 to 1200

  - No longer give you charges if a spell was cast from the fog of war

Manta Style

  - Increased recipe cost by 50 (Yasha recipe cost was reduced by 50)

  - Rebalanced Manta Style for melee and ranged heroes

  Old Manta:


  Deals 33%

  Takes 350%

  Cooldown: 50

  New Manta (ranged):


  Deals 28%

  Takes 400%

  Cooldown: 50

  New Manta (melee):


  Deals 33%

  Takes 350%

  Cooldown: 35


  - Static Charge changed from a chance on attacks to a chance on any damage

  - Double click now activates Static Charge on yourself

Monkey King Bar

  - Damage increased by 8 to be equal to the total damage from its components


  - Base attack time improved on Necronomicon Warriors from 1.0 to 0.75

Orb of Venom

  - Duration increased to 4 seconds

  - Price from 600 to 550

Phase Boots

  - Readjusted bonuses:

  Base Movement Speed 70 -> 60

  Phase Burst: 12% -> 15%

  Phase Duration: 5 -> 4

  Phase Cooldown: 10 -> 8

Power Treads

  - Attribute reduced bonus from +10 to all attributes to +8 to all attributes

Ring of Basilius

  - Armor bonuses rebalanced.

  - Aura Armor decreased from +3 armor to +2 armor.

  - Added +1 armor for the holder.

  Same overall Armor for the item holder, 1 less for allies


  - Added a 20% Attack Speed reduction to the slow on Maim

  - Reduced recipe cost from 750 to 700

Sange and Yasha

  - Increased the Attack Speed reduction on Maim's slow from 15% to 30%

Soul Booster

  - Mana regen from 10% to 50%

  - Health regen from 1hp to 2hp

Stygian Desolator

  - Buff duration from 5 to 7 seconds

Urn of Shadows

  - Soul Release now causes HP loss instead of magical damage when used on enemies (same overall dps as before, no longer disables dagger)


  - Reduced recipe cost from 750 to 700

  * Added a new loading screen

  Kunkka decided to try out a new style for the loading screen in 6.69 (all sentinel heroes). Please give him your feedback by emailing him at kendrick@imaginaryfs.com

  * Rebalanced the assist Gold & XP system

  Most recent versions (since 6.55) have an extra portion of the gold/xp that is not a pure split like standard XP usually is.

  For XP '>

  For Gold "Assist" means the number of heroes in the area besides the killer.

  "Level" always means the level of the dying target



  Bonus XP


  1 Hero: 15*Level + 50

  2 Heroes: 15*Level + 50

  3 Heroes: 14*Level + 50

  4 Heroes: 13*Level + 50

  5 Heroes: 12*Level + 50

  Bonus Gold


  Hero Killer: 0

  1 Assist: 10*Level + 45 (2 heroes involved in kill)

  2 Assist: 9*Level + 40 (3 heroes involved in kill)

  3 Assist: 8*Level + 35 (4 heroes involved in kill)

  4 Assist: 7*Level + 30 (5 heroes involved in kill)

  5 Assist: 7*Level + 30 (5 heroes involved in kill but no one got last hit)



  Bonus XP


  1 Hero: 20*Level + 120

  2 Heroes: 15*Level + 90

  3 Heroes: 7*Level + 30

  4 Heroes: 6*Level + 15

  5 Heroes: 5*Level + 10

  Bonus Gold


  Hero Killer: 0

  1 Assist: 9*Level + 95 (2 heroes involved in kill)

  2 Assist: 8*Level + 20 (3 heroes involved in kill)

  3 Assist: 6*Level + 10 (4 heroes involved in kill)

  4 Assist: 6*Level (5 heroes involved in kill)

  5 Assist: 6*Level (5 heroes involved in kill but no one got last hit)

  This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 836x832.

  Basic Information:


  This isn't changed, just overview information.

  Streak Ending:


  3 Streak: 50

  4 Streak: 100

  5 Streak: 150

  6 Streak: 200

  7 Streak: 250

  8 Streak: 300

  9 Streak: 350

  10+ Streak: 400

  Death Punishment:


  Level * 30

  Hero Kill Gold:


  200 + Level * 5

  Hero Kill XP:


  Split evenly in 1000 AoE

  Level 1: 100

  Level 2: 120

  Level 3: 160

  Level 4: 220

  Level 5-25: 100 * ( Level - 2 )


  Level 10 = 100 * ( 10 - 2 ) = 800

  Level 20 = 100 * ( 20 - 2 ) = 1800



  Bonus XP


  1 Hero: 8*Level

  2 Heroes: 8*Level

  3 Heroes: 8*Level

  4 Heroes: 8*Level

  5 Heroes: 8*Level

  Bonus Gold


  Hero Killer: 0

  1 Assist: 40

  2 Assist: 40

  3 Assist: 40

  4 Assist: 40

  5 Assist: 40



  Bonus XP


  1 Hero: 12*Level

  2 Heroes: 12*Level

  3 Heroes: 12*Level

  4 Heroes: 12*Level

  5 Heroes: 12*Level

  Bonus Gold


  Hero Killer: 0

  1 Assist: 5*Level + 30

  2 Assist: 5*Level + 30

  3 Assist: 5*Level + 30

  4 Assist: 5*Level + 30

  5 Assist: 5*Level + 30



  Bonus XP


  1 Hero: 15*Level

  2 Heroes: 15*Level

  3 Heroes: 14*Level

  4 Heroes: 13*Level

  5 Heroes: 12*Level

  Bonus Gold


  Hero Killer: 0

  1 Assist: 10*Level + 45

  2 Assist: 9*Level + 40

  3 Assist: 8*Level + 35

  4 Assist: 7*Level + 30

  5 Assist: 7*Level + 30



  Bonus XP


  1 Hero: 15*Level + 50

  2 Heroes: 15*Level + 50

  3 Heroes: 14*Level + 50

  4 Heroes: 13*Level + 50

  5 Heroes: 12*Level + 50

  Bonus Gold


  Hero Killer: 0

  1 Assist: 10*Level + 45

  2 Assist: 9*Level + 40

  3 Assist: 8*Level + 35

  4 Assist: 7*Level + 30

  5 Assist: 7*Level + 30



  Bonus XP


  1 Hero: 20*Level + 120

  2 Heroes: 15*Level + 90

  3 Heroes: 7*Level + 30

  4 Heroes: 6*Level + 15

  5 Heroes: 5*Level + 10

  Bonus Gold


  Hero Killer: 0

  1 Assist: 9*Level + 95

  2 Assist: 8*Level + 20

  3 Assist: 6*Level + 10

  4 Assist: 6*Level

  5 Assist: 6*Level

  * Added a couple of new juke spots

  This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 649x618.

  * Couriers can now carry Gem of Truesight (it loses its truesight while on courier)

  * Reduced Glyph cooldown from 6 minutes to 5 minutes

  * XP AoE increased from 1000 to 1200

  * Added Slark, Chaos Knight and Magnus to CM

  More heroes will be enabled soon.

  * Added a new Ancient creep camp (Thunder Lizards, has Frenzy & Slam)

  * Satyr's Purge no longer autocasts

  * Added a sound effect that notifies allies near the location you are teleporting to

  * Added 4 more options to -music (other6/7/8/9)

  * Added a new soundset for King Leoric (279632)

  * Added a rabbit courier

  * Improved Shadow Raze visual effect to match the AoE a little more

  * Added a new effect when you get a last hit with Necromastery on Nevermore (266930)

  * Lich now has his icy hands effect only when he gets Aghanim's Scepter

  * Sven now transforms into a red version when he casts his ultimate (Ability Code: A1WH)

  * Added various small doodads around the map

  * Changed Bristleback's model and hero icon (210183)

  * Added sound effect for Meepo's attack

  * Added sound effect for Troll Warlord's melee attack

  * Added Scepter visual effect for Enchantress

  * Various misc improvements on Phantom Lancer's model

  * Added -disablehelp for Bloodrage (233159)

  * Added a new icon for Call Down (315263)

  * Added a new visual effect while casting Curse of the Silent

  * Hand of Midas bounty text is now easier to see (258830)

  * Added a ground effect when the water is gushing out from Torrent (146694)

  * New ability icon for Spirits (296349)

  * Changed the illusion creation visual effect on Terrorblade's Conjure Image

  * Added new hero icon for Io (296349)

  * Added new icon for Haunt (240283)

  * Added new icon for Reality (240283)

  * Added new icon for Flaming Fists (263836)

  * Improved Greater Bash Icon (280720)

  * Improved Track Icon (280720)

  * Improved Amplify Damage Icon (280720)

  * Improved Slardar's Bash Icon (280720)

  * Improved Plague Wards Icon (280720)

  * Improved Greater Bash Icon (280720)

  * Improved Soul Rip Icon (280720)

  * Improved Grow Icon (280720)

  * Improved Lion Hero Icon (280720)

  * Fixed Charge of Darkness showing a dummy unit with HP bar

  * Fixed some issues with Shackleshot calculation where it could sometimes hit weird angles.

  * Fixed visible caster units during Light Strike Array and Split Earth

  * Fixed converted creeps from sometimes being slowed by Enchant

  * Fixed Healing Ward to indicate the level to your allies instead of just for you

  * Fixed Roshan's interaction with Familiars

  * Fixed some issues with a small number of spells not properly detecting Meld and Ghostwalk as invisible

  * Fixed Sonic Wave targeting mechanism when casting towards a location with an allied unit (298969)

  * Fixed using Conjure Image while magic immune (298995)

  * Fixed Roshan not dispelling Urn of Shadows

  * Fixed some cast mechanism issues with Techie's Suicide (242147)

  * Fixed Liquid Fire interaction with Siege units (263667)

  * Fixed a rare situation where Relocate would fail to teleport you

  * Fixed a bug with freezing a leaver Spirit Breaker

  * Fixed Tango dispelling Urn of Shadows healing effect

  * Fixed Static Storm scoreboard cooldown being a little off

  * Fixed a bug with Scepter Dismember and Linken's Sphere

  * Fixed some AI issues with Firefly

  * Fixed lag on first cast of Adaptive Strike

  * Fixed a couple of abilities with slightly incorrect cooldowns on scoreboard

  * Fixed some courier tooltips

  * Fixed Dragon Slave targeting mechanism when casting towards a location with an allied unit

  * Fixed interaction between Level 3 Rupture and Force Staff

  * Fixed the scourge Glyph not showing the new icon (Ability Code: A1WH)

  * Fixed some inconsistencies in the visual AoE of some abilities (no balance changes here, just making the cursors more consistent for: Avalanche, Storm Bolt, Rocket Flare, Pit of Malice, Expulsion, Chronosphere, Earthbind, Spin Web, Dream Coil, Weave, Maledict, Vacuum, Sanity's Eclipse)

  * Fixed damage AoE on Waning Rift being slightly less than the silence AoE

  * Fixed a very minor visual glitch when attempting to buy a recipe for power treads

  * Fixed very minor inconsistency between the armor reduction and the damage AoE on Acid Spray

  * Fixed AoE on Strygwyr's thirst being off by 25

  * Fixed Sticky Napalm triggering Linken Sphere

  * Fixed interaction bugs with Soul Rip and Ethereal state

  * Fixed AoE on Song of the Siren being off by 25

  * Fixed a rare bug with Spirit Bear losing track of his items

  * Fixed some minor duration inconsistencies with God's Strength

  * Fixed some triggered spells from bypassing Last Will (on Necronomicon Warrior) damage return

  * Fixed Sticky Napalm compatibility problems with Shiva's Guard

  * Fixed some possible lag scenarios with Soul Catcher

  * Fixed a very rare cause where you could Soul Ring usage could be lethal

  * Courier can no longer use Ghost Scepter (to prevent some abuses)

  * Fixed some minor incorrect behaviors when using burning spears at very low hp

  * Fixed some rare damage cap issues with Dragon Slave and Sonic Wave

  * Fixed some minor duration inconsistencies with Insatiable Hunger

  * Fixed Sticky Napalm malfunctioning when cast on units in Fog of War

  * Fixed a fatal error possible with Skewer

  * Fixed a minor visual bug when Unstable Concoction explodes in midair


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