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1 00:10 The Jane Doe Story part 1

2 00:26 The Jane Doe Story part 2

3 00:58 The Wreckage

4 01:18 The Crucified Pilot

5 01:40 The Impossible Town

6 02:07 My Dear Sweet Ellie

7 02:31 Dear Father

8 02:53 Remembering the Lost

9 03:05 Midwife's Lament

10 03:24 Knoth's Gospel Ch. 8

11 03:50 Visions Come

12 04:12 The Compound

13 04:29 New Gospels, Part 1

14 04:49 Val's Secret

15 05:13 New Gospels, Part 2

16 05:31 Jessica's Suicide Note

17 05:50 Interrogation

18 06:06 Ethan's Letter

19 06:21 Crucified Heretics

20 06:36 Knoth's Gospel Ch. 5

21 06:53 Marta

22 07:28 Letter from a Husband

23 07:50 Val's Journal pt. 1

24 08:25 Temple Gate Anima Cristi

25 08:46 Dead Birds

26 09:06 Cavern Temple

27 09:24 New Temple Gate

28 09:36 Val's Journal pt. 3

29 09:57 Letter from Val to Knoth

30 10:19 Knoth's Gospel Ch. 6

31 10:46 Val's Journal pt. 5

32 11:21 Sundries from the Sinful World

33 11:58 Temple Gate

34 12:11 Garden Note

35 12:25 Hanged Jessica

36 12:37 The Show Room

37 12:52 Accept my Suicide

38 13:21 Gospel Duty

39 13:38 Why You Have to Die

40 14:03 Lesson Plan

41 14:23 A Letter to Mom

42 14:36 Knoth's Gospel Ch. 10

43 14:57 Temple Gate Act of Contrition

44 15:25 Val's Journal pt. 4

45 15:51 The Chapel

46 16:09 Rest These Bone

47 16:29 Letter from Nick to Knoth

48 16:52 Torture

49 17:08 Knoth's Gospel Ch. 2

50 17:27 Val's Journal pt. 2

51 17:56 Knoth's Gospel Ch. 1

52 18:23 The Abattoir

53 19:08 To Marta, My Avenging Angel

54 19:37 Outside Marta's Chapel

55 19:59 A Game of Hangman


56 20:29 Road to the Old Mine

57 20:48 Scalled Bound

58 21:02 The Locusts

59 21:31 Welcome to Plague

60 21:50 Sickness Here, God Bless

61 22:21 Our Quarantine

62 22:36 Knoth's Gospel Ch. 4

63 23:07 Knoth's Gospel Ch. 9

64 24:18 The Hegemon

65 24:43 The Symbiote

66 25:10 A Sickness in St. Sybill

67 25:37 Ruptures

68 26:08 Paradise Soon

69 26:29 The Trap

70 26:44 Memo to a Corpse

71 27:03 Gospel of the Scalled Christ

72 27:44 The Hanged Man

73 28:06 I Took yur Rope

74 28:20 Til Death do us Part

75 28:42 Roots and Branches


76 29:21 Beach Heads

77 29:36 Come with These Men

78 30:07 Old Traveler

79 30:47 Distant Towers

80 31:27 The Enemy Waits

81 31:50 Help

82 32:05 Tower's of Metal

83 32:33 Dead Fish

84 32:49 Floaters

85 33:11 Knoth's Gospel Ch. 3

86 33:27 Warning

87 33:52 They're All Going to Laugh at You


88 34:18 Rain of Blood

89 34:47 Knoth's Gospel Ch. 13

90 35:29 Pulse

91 36:01 Knoth's Gospel Ch. 12

92 36:20 I Have Lots of Friends


主角是一位叫做Blake Langermann的摄像师,和妻子Lynn一起工作,他俩为了调查一件孕妇谋杀案件,关于死者仅有的信息只知道她叫做Jane Doe,案件所有的线索都指向了亚利桑那的沙漠,最后他们乘坐直升机前往了那里。途中飞机意外失事,驾驶员被活活剥皮,妻子不明下落,男主来到了一个小镇上,故事就从这里开始。


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