Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition,代号肾上腺素,是AMD近一年的显卡驱动版本,拥有超强的性能,支持多种AMD显卡版本,能狂升39%的表现力,可以说是相当给力了。本次为大家带来最新版AMD肾上腺素显卡驱动系列下载,用户们可以选择适合自己的种类下载体验。
- 《盗贼之海》(Sea of Thieves)
RX Vega 64 4K分辨率性能提升最多29%(相比18.2.2版驱动下同),RX 580 1080p性能提升最多39%。
- 《最终幻想12:黄道时代》(Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age)
RX Vega 56、RX 580 2K分辨率性能提升分别最多13%、20%。
- 《黄铜策略》(Brass Tactics)
Added new Connect tab which houses new social engagement features.
Added new Gallery tab for Radeon ReLive recording file management, video trimming, and social platform sharing functionality.
Added new Accounts tab to connect ReLive content and upload sharing to social platforms
Added new Resource Center tab highlighting informative guides and instructions for Radeon Software features.
Added new Performance Monitoring tab.
Added three UI themes for Radeon Settings customization.
Added new AMD Link tab to connect Radeon Settings to the AMD Link mobile application. For more information on AMD Link visit