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  • 七悠雅思官方手机版2.0.1
  • 软件大小:7.9M
  • 更新时间:2017-07-01 11:17
  • 软件语言:中文
  • 软件厂商:
  • 软件类别:国产软件 / 免费软件 / 教育学习
  • 软件等级:4级
  • 应用平台:Android
  • 官方网站:http://www.7uielts.com/
  • 应用备案:


七悠雅思app是一款为雅思考生提供高质量原创范文素材和考试题目预测的APP,考雅思可以根据目标分和偏好故事自由选择素材。优质的素材确保考雅思目标分无忧,另有答题思维逻辑解析,帮助考雅思快速提分、高效备考。在这里,能看到真实的雅思备考经验,及时的考试动态,单科学习技巧和思维逻辑的的总结。 在这里,有8.5分雅思学霸随时为你解答疑惑,助你屠鸭路上更顺利。 



1.What kinds of jewelries do you like?;

2.Have you given other people jewelries? 

3.Why do people like it? 

4.What is your attitude toward jewelry? 

5.Why so many people choose to buy expensive jewelry to maintain value? 

6.How often do you wear jewelry? 

Daily life routines 

1.Which time do you like most for a whole day? 

2.What would you like to bring with you when you go outside? 

3.What is your daily routine? 

4.What is the difference of routine between you and your teenager’s times?

Bus or taxi 

1.How often do you take the bus? 

2.When was the first time you took a taxi? 

3.What are the advantages of taking a taxi compared with buses? 

4.Is it convenient to take the bus/taxi in your city? 


1.Do you like sunshine? 

2.Do you like a place with more sunshine or less sunny days? 

3.What would you do on sunny days? 

4.Do you like a place full of sunshine? 

5.Are there any technologies with sun in nowadays? 

for example? 6.Do you like sunny days? 

7.Are there many sunny days in your hometown? 


1.Is politeness important? 

2.Why should we be polite? 

3.Who teach you to be polite? 

4.How do Chinese people show politeness? 5.What rules of politeness change in China? 


How do you celebrate your birthday?

2.How do Chinese people usually celebrate birthday?

3.How do children celebrate birthdays in your country? 

4.Is it important? 5.What kind of people like celebrating the birthday? 

6.What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive?  

7.Is there a difference between the way you celebrated your birthday in the past and in the present? 

Pop stars 

1.What pop stars do you like? 

2.Have you ever met them? 

3.Do you prefer listening to concert record or going to a live show?

Vegetables and fruits

1.What’s your favorite vegetable and fruit? 

2.How often do you eat fruits? 

3.Are there any special fruits in your hometown? 

4.Should we eat vegetables everyday? 

基本信息 Your work

1. What work do you do? 

2. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or. that job)?

3. Do you like your job?

4. Is it very interesting? 5. (Possibly) Do you miss being a student?

Your studies 

1. What subject(s) are you studying? 

2. Why did you choose to study that subject? 

3. Do you like your subject? (Why?/Why not?) 

4. Is it very interesting? 

5. (Possibly) Are you looking forward to working? 

6. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoon?

7. Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning?

8. What do you do to improve your learning efficiency? 


1. What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? 

2. Do you live in a house or a flat? 

3. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? 

4. Who do you live with? 

5. How long have you lived there?

6. Do you plan to live there for a long time? 

7. (If you answer you haven't lived there long) What's the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? 

8. Can you describe the place where you live? 

9. Which room does your family spend most of the time in? 

10. Are the transport facilities 

to your home very good?

11. Please describe the room you live in. 

12. What part of your home do you like the most? 

13. Are you willing to live in the countryside in the future? 


1. What’s (the name of) your hometown (again)?

2. Is that a big city or a small place?

3. Please describe your hometown a little.

4. How long have you been living there? 

5. Do you like your hometown? 

6. (Possibly) Do you like living there? *

7. What do you like (most) about your hometown? 

8. Is there anything you dislike about it?

9. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? 


1.How old were you when you started school?

2.Where did you go to school? 

3.How did you get to school each day? 

4.Tell me something about the school. 

5.Did you enjoy it?

6.What were some of the most popular activities in primary school? 

7.Have you ever returned to see your old school again? 

8.Are you still in contact with any of the friends you had in primary school? 

9.What subjects did you study in secondary school?

10.What was your favorite subject in secondary school? 

11.And which subject did you like the least? 

12.Which secondary school subject do you think is most useful for people in adult life? 

13.What part of your secondary school education did you enjoy most? 

14.How do you feel about the high school? 

15.Why did you choose to attend that particular school? 

16.Which class did you enjoy the most?





七悠雅思官方手机版 2.0.1
七悠雅思官方手机版 2.0.1
七悠雅思官方手机版 2.0.1
七悠雅思官方手机版 2.0.1



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