一些用户刷非官方Windows Phone 7固件后变砖的补救措施,这款程序可以修复ChevronWP7 hack用户错误代码为"80180048"的无法启动的问题,并可以继续让手机从微软获得系统正常的更新,对多种WP7手机都适用。
需要安装zune,需要安装.net 4.0:http://www.cr173.com/soft/8313.html
Once you’ve installed the Windows Phone Support Tools, extract the “Walshed” Phone Support Tool to a folder and execute WPST.exe.
Again, make sure you select ONLY the languages installed onto your device. Once completed, try and update via zune, if it prompts you to update to 7392, great, if it doesn’t, It means that update isn’t available for you just yet as your carrier hasn’t approved it.
Please post in the comments below and let me know how you go with it. If it’s still failing, please send me an email and I’ll be happy to look at it for you.
**If you're a Samsung Omnia owner, please make sure you're using your ORIGINAL microSD card that came with your handset, otherwise it may fail.**
Thanks for Rafael Rivera for his help