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  • 我的世界1.9/1.8改进我的世界mod官方版
  • 软件大小:252KB
  • 更新时间:2016-03-15 14:05
  • 软件语言:中文
  • 软件厂商:
  • 软件类别:国产软件 / 免费软件 / 游戏其他
  • 软件等级:3级
  • 应用平台:WinAll, WinXP, Win7
  • 官方网站:http://www.cr173.com
  • 应用备案:





Farming and breeding:农牧业

One bonemeal is usually enough to grow a tree一个骨粉可以让树长大

Bonemeal works on cactus骨粉可以用在仙人掌上——高度令人发指

Bonemeal works on sugar cane骨粉可以用在甘蔗上—高度令人发指

Lily pads can be cloned using bonemeal骨粉可以用在睡莲上(克隆)

Gunpowder, magma cream and blaze powder can be used as fertilizers for Nether wart (just like bonemeal on other plants)火药、岩浆膏和烈焰粉可以作为地狱疣的肥料(像骨粉对植物一样)

Pigs breeding works with potatoes, apples, melons and bread猪可以用土豆、西瓜、苹果、面包来繁殖!

Chickens leave feathers from time to time (customizable frequency)鸡会和下蛋一样不时掉落羽毛(可更改频率)(我等不杀生党福音)

Animals found in the wild are now "Wild animals", you can make them evolve into farm animals by breeding. Wild animals only drop 2/3 of the regular items on death. When they're attacked by a player, they fight back. Besides, it is impossible to milk a wild cow or saddle a wild pig, and wild chickens don't lay eggs. Wild sheeps can be sheared, but it only gives one piece of wool, and will make the animal angry 1 time out of 3. There are no wild horses or rabbits. When two wild animals reproduce, the baby is more evolved than its parents, so you will have to use this new animal for reproduction, and so it goes. The average number of generations from wild to farm animals can be customizable (it's 4 by default).







Mobs and drops:生物、掉落

Mobs can have random potion effects on spawning (customizable probability)生物可能随机拥有药水效果(可自定义)

Creepers can naturally spawn in "charged" form (customizable probability)可能天然生成闪电JJ(可自定义)

Baby zombies deal less damage小僵尸伤害更少

Baby zombies burn during day小僵尸在白天烧起来

Animals killed by fireballs drop cooked meat动物被火球烤死掉熟肉

Mobs can drop their skull (customizable probability)怪物可以掉脑袋(可自定义)

Players can drop their head (customizable probability)玩家也可以掉脑袋(可自定义)

Tools, swords and armors dropped by mobs are less damaged怪物身上掉下的装备耐久度更高(好评!)

Horses and squids drop meat (it is automatically disabled if you have installed my mod Lots of Food that has the same feature). The drop chance, minimum and maximum of meat dropped is customizable for both creatures.马肉、鱿鱼肉,可以烤!当你装了Lots of Food会自动禁止这个特性

Bats drop leather蝙蝠掉皮

Wolves drop leather狼掉皮

Zombie Pigmen drop cooked porkchops instead of rotten flesh僵尸猪人掉落猪排,不是腐肉

Witches drop more potions types and more often女巫掉的药水种类、数量更多

Endermen always drop at least one enderpearl杀妹狂魔(大雾)末影人至少掉落一个珍珠(良心作者)

Some of the arrows used to kill a mob are retrieved (customizable probability)射杀生物可以捡回来一些箭

Creepers can drop TNT (customizable probability)JJ掉TNT(可自定义)

Spiders can drop cobweb (customizable probability)蜘蛛掉网(可自定义)

Enchanting, repairing, brewing:附魔、修补、酿造

Speed enchantment on boots, as powerful as Speed I potion effect (customizable frequency and min level)速度附魔,喝药水同等效果(可自定义)

Autosmelting enchantment on tools that automatically smelts every harvested items (incompatible with Silk Touch, customizable frequency and min level)在工具上的自动冶炼附魔会自动地对每一个收获到的物品进行熔炼(不与精准采集附魔兼容,其附魔几率和等级都可以自定义)

Health bonus enchantment on chestplates, levels 1 to 3, adds as much hearts to the health bar (customizable frequency and min level)生命提升附魔(可自定义)

Health Draining enchantment on swords, levels 1 to 2, the attacker drains as much half-hearts from the hit target (customizable frequency and min level)健康消耗(表示试了半天,会让敌人掉血)(可自定义)

Combining 2 tools/weapons/armors in the crafting table preserves the enchantments if they are the exactly the same on the 2 items在工作台中将两个装备融合将会保留附魔效果,前提是他们附魔相同。

An enchanted book can be crafted from a book and an undamaged enchanted item (doesn't work with the hunting knife)如下图所示。不能用本mod中的狩猎刀

New items and crafts:新物品、新工艺

Spawn eggs for all the mobs (Enderdragon, Wither, Wither Skeleton, Snow Golem, Iron Golem). This feature doesn't work if Not Enough Items mod is installed.末影龙、凋零、铁傀儡、雪傀儡、凋灵骷髅刷怪蛋,还有所有生物的刷怪笼,包括mod里的!,需要先加载其他mod。如果你装了NEI,上面的话就是废话。

Smooth stone stairs石楼梯不解释

Hardened clay stairs and slabs黏土楼梯

Hay stairs and slabs干草……

Colored flower pots, using same colors as hardened clay染色花盆

Obsidian sword, not craftable, a bit more powerful than iron, 1250 uses, held and dropped by wither skeletons (customizable probability). This weapon can sometimes inflict a Wither effect to the target.黑曜石剑,不可合成,比铁剑厉害一点点,1250耐久,持有者和掉落者均为凋灵骷髅(其概率可自定义),该武器有时会给予目标凋零效果。

Craft for saddle鞍

Crafts for horse armors马铠

Craft for nametag命名牌

Reversible crafts for blocks of quartz, snow and clay (1 block -> 4 items)石英、雪、黏土的反向合成

Slabs can be assembled back into full blocks下图

Wooden fences can be crafted back into 2 sticks木栅栏可以弄成2木棍

Craft strings for wool (the number of strings obtained is 4 by default, but it is customizable)下图(可自定义)

Craft for cobweb blocks下图

Craft paper from wood下图

Craft water from cactus下图

Craft ice from water and snow下图

Craft packed ice from ice下图

Smelt metal blocks back to ingots: iron doors, cauldrons and minecarts can get you a few iron ingots back下图(分解熔炉!!??)

Mining TNT: doesn't destroy items and has a wider explosion radius站不会炸掉物品且威力增大的TNT,下矿神器,具体请看视频,

Adamantium ore (requires an iron pickaxe): allows to craft a new set of tools and armors, intermediate between iron and diamond (customizable generation frequency)艾德曼金属(金刚狼爪子,美国队长盾)(不是这个颜色吧?)

Nether brick tools (same power as stone tools):地狱砖

Small flint tools (similar to wooden tools but mine a bit faster, and deal as much damage as stone tools)小巧玲珑的燧石

Machetes: have as much attack damage as swords, are very efficient to break leaves (and get less damaged from breaking leaves than other blocks), quite efficient to break wood (still less than axes)弯刀!轻松破坏树叶,比剑伤害高,砍树还行,没有斧子快

Craftable chainmail armor:锁链

Hunting Knife: lower range than sword but Looting I enchantment on crafting狩猎刀,自带抢夺

Poisoned arrows: they deal a poison effect to the target with a configurable duration (6 seconds by default), they are shot in priority over regular arrows if both types of arrows are present in the inventory. They lose their poison effect when they hit a block. They can be shot by dispensers, and are sometimes found in jungle temples dispensers.毒箭,可以在丛林神庙中发现,中毒6秒

Wooden bucket: can be filled up with water or milk, but not lava. It can be used instead of iron buckets in the mod's recipes.木桶(你去盛岩浆试试?)

Time scepter: only available in creative mode or using cheats, right click allows you to make a baby animal grow or to make an adult animal be able to breed again, and left click makes a wild animal evolve into a farm animal时间发展,只能在创造用,右键小动物就能长大,左键野生动物就变成农场动物

Presents: put any item inside a present by a simple craft and offer it to another player! Hold right click when you hold the present to open it. You can also leave your present by putting it somewhere as a block. If the present was renamed using an anvil, its custom name will be displayed above the block, as you can see on the picture below.礼物不解释


Microsoft Carpet: this decorative item works like a regular carpet微软地毯233333333……莫名喜感

Miscellaneous improvements:各种改进

Burning arrows set blocks on fire火箭能点燃方块

Desert dead bushes drop 2 to 5 sticks死灌木掉2-5木棍

Leaves sometimes drop sticks术业有时掉木棍

Harvesting a cactus with bare hands hurts撸掉仙人掌手疼

Cauldrons have infinite water炼药锅无限水

It's possible to fill up a bucket from a cauldron full of water可以装满一桶装满水的大锅

Dispensers put records in jukeboxes女巫把唱片放在音乐盒里

Cakes, boats, minecarts and beds are stackable by 16蛋糕、船、矿车、床堆叠至16(大大的好评啊,炸龙方便多了)

All music discs can be found in dungeons chests所有的唱片都可以在地牢箱子里

Gold ingots and diamonds can be found in dungeons chests金腚(污~)和钻石可以在地牢箱子里

Gold tools and weapons deal more damage (as much as diamond)金工具和钻石伤害一样!

Mob spawners can be harvested with a Silk Touch pickaxe (mob type is saved)精准采集镐子可以挖掉刷怪笼而不让它消失(好评)

All mob spawners are available in creative mode所有刷怪笼可用,包括mod,已说过

Arrows standing in blocks drop when the block is broken小白射在方块上的箭可以通过打破方块让它掉下来来获取

Melon generates in more biomes (savanna, roofed forest and swampland)西瓜可以出现在热带草原、黑森林、沼泽(不科学。。百度资料:温度 西瓜喜温暖、干燥的气候、不耐寒,生长发育的最适温度24-30度,根系生长发育的最适温度30-32度,根毛发生的最低温度14度。西瓜在生长发育过程中需要较大的昼夜温差,较大的昼夜温差能培育高品质西瓜。 水分 西瓜耐旱、不耐湿,阴雨天多时,湿度过大,易感病,产量低,品质差。 光照 西瓜喜光照,在日照充足的条件下,产量高,品质好。 养分 西瓜生育期长,产量高,因此需要大量养分。每生产100公斤西瓜约需吸收氮0.19公斤、磷0.092公斤,钾0.136公斤,但不同生育期对养分的吸收量有明显的差异,在发芽期占0.01%,幼苗期占0.54%,抽蔓期占14.6%,结果期是西瓜吸收养分最旺盛的时期,占总养分量的84.8%,因此,西瓜随着植株的生长,需肥量逐渐增加,到果实旺盛生长时,达到最大值。 土壤 西瓜适应性强,以土质疏松,土层深厚,排水良好的砂质土最佳。喜弱酸性,PH5-7。

Command block is available in redstone creative tab创造物品栏里有命令方块

Bookshelves drop themselves instead of books (it's still possible to get the books back by putting the bookshelf in the crafting table)书架掉落书架,不是书,可反向合成

Double doors open and close together (this feature is incompatible with Malisis Doors, and will be disabled automatically if this mod is detected)


Additional options (disabled by default):其他(默认不开启这些功能)

Endermen don't pick up blocks末影人不拿方块

Vines don't spread藤蔓不延伸

All crops need only one bonemeal to be fully grown一个骨粉就可以熟

Dangerous fire: fire spreads faster, can't be put out by punching it (this action can even set the player on fire)火焰蔓延加快,用手撸不灭火

The feature making spawners harvestable with Silk Touch pickaxes works only with a golden pickaxe只有精准采集的金镐才能挖刷怪笼

Logs can't be harvested with bare hands, they require axes (this doesn't affect planks and other wooden blocks). If you want to enable this feature, you should not disable flint tools and sticks dropping from leaves, or you might be stuck in early game.树不能用手撸,必须要通过树叶等获得木棍再取得燧石做工具,所以如果你打开这个,不要禁用燧石工具

Wooden tools can't be crafted anymore (save comment as above)不能做木头工具(除了上面的注释)

Hard recipes mode for saddles, horse armors and nametags鞍和马铠更难的合成 


我的世界1.9/1.8改进我的世界mod 官方版


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