今天无意间在pes-patch.com上看到的一个基于官方DLC的补丁,大意就是基于DLC的全真实的联赛LOGO,真实队徽和球衣,新建球场,大量更新英超,无德甲。替代pes united并新建利沃诺。
original names for the competitions, cups etc.. (Series A, Premier League, FIFA World Cup, etc. ..).
original logos for cups and competitions.
team logos and unlicensed premier, liga and serie A.
palermo kit and all the premier (made with extreme precision).
instead of the D series created serie B (only name and logo).
instead of creating the united pes livorno (names, logos, kit.Mancano facial).
Created different stadiums.
ayman93: Stadio Armando Picchi stadium arena juventus
frank900: kit livorno
Fully compatible with: pes edit patch 02 and PES 2011 DLC [12.10.2010]
to insert:
go to Document-> KONAMI-> save to folder and replace it with this.
WARNING: If you have leavatelli bailouts from the folder (it is called like this: ml_1, replay_1, DUM_1 etc..) And put it back in once changed the folder.