Made secret room spawns slightly more predictable
The Mac version is now a Universal App (32-bit/64-bit)
Fixed a crash bug related to Gunther
修复了 Gunther这把枪的bug 这把枪就是那个 被祝福之后干死龙 解锁的那把
Fixed a rare bug involving elevators and the Bloody Scarf
修复了 一个很少见的 有关 电梯和 瞬移披风的bug
Wiping a save slot's progress will no longer wipe the slot once again when the game closes
删除一个存档不会在游戏关闭的时候 再次删除(我也没太懂)
Fixed a bug which prevented the Great Hall achievement from unlocking properly
Conversations can no longer be interrupted by projectiles
Fixed more issues which could cause dropped controller inputs or odd vibration behavior
解决了一些关于 丢失手柄输入信息 和 奇怪的震动行为pc党表示手柄党好H
Fixed some cases where the Lord of the Jammed could cause damage to the player in unfair moments
解决了 有些时候诅咒之王能在不公平的时候伤害玩家(比如在跟npc对话,这个东西仍然能打你,不过我碰到这个 基本就重开了)
Fixed an issue where the caped <REDACTED> wouldn't escape when some invulnerable enemies remaining in the room
解决了带披风的(我也不知道是啥)不能从 仍然有无敌怪物(应该指的是大锤子之类的)的房间逃脱。
Fixed various issues when entering the Oubliette in coop
解决了 很多进入第一个隐藏关 史莱姆下水道的问题(联机模式)
Fixed a positioning issue with the television toss that could cause it to unfairly fall into pits
解决了 当你携带电视机 解锁 机器人的时候 很多不公平的时候。 比如 跳过水道,结果把电视机丢到水了。
Fixed an exploit where the hip holster could to fire extremely rapidly
解决了枪套(这个道具就是那个你装子弹的时候 射击)可以让你射的超级快
Gave Gatling Gull's melee attack a cooldown (no more cheesing!)
The Molotov gun no longer puts out fires
The Boomerang is no longer usable in empty rooms