
首页游戏资讯玩家心得 → 无光之海存档修改方法及已知物品ID代码分享


相关软件相关文章发表评论 来源:西西整理时间:2016/1/27 15:59:55字体大小:A-A+

作者:西西点击:501次评论:0次标签: 无光之海

  • 类型:修改器(游戏工具)大小:2.0M语言:中文 评分:.0
  • 标签:




c:\users\username(自己的用户名)\Appdata\LocalLow\Failbetter Games\Sunless Sea\Saves



后面的level是数量 ID是物品代码




The basics -

102028 - Echoes 回声(金钱)
102027 - Fuel 燃料
102026 - Supplies 补给

110627 - The Fulgent Impeller 辉煌引擎

117204 = yearning burning 燃烧的渴望
108654 - Strange Catch 奇怪的捕捉
102023 - Zee Story 海泽故事
102025 - Terror level 恐怖等级

I figured it out! In the beginning of the file there's a
AtEvent" :
and a little past that was
"Id" : 150670
I changed it to 
"Id" : 150653
(which is the 'Burning Blue' event). and when I loaded, the death screen was gone and I could keep playing! So, perhaps 'live forever' time? Hopefully nothing happens down the line.

Stats -

102895 - Mirrors
102894 - Iron
102898 - Pages
102897 - hearts
102896 - Veils
102030 - Crew Putting it over your ships maximum does nothing but possibly break your game.
102029 - Ship's current Hull value. Putting it over your ships maximum does nothing but possibly break your game.
102025 - Terror level

Legacy Items -

114086 - A Dream of Red
114087 - Manual of Miracles
113320 - The Horizon Codex

Things that take up space in your hold--

113263 - Flares
105974 - Mutersalt
109062 - Live Specimine
114995 - Element of Dawn
113012 - a Cask of Blue Sappires
115025 - Empty Mirrorcatch box
109417 - Watchful Curios
105976 - Soothe and Cooper Longbox
102021 - Tomb Colonist
105973 - Stygian Ivory
102015 - Bolt of Spider Silk
105969 - Devilbone dice
110547 - Zsoup
109003 - Memento Mori
104897 - Leatherbeater & Stainrod Illyrian
109347 - Unsettling Sage
109343 - Starting Engine
108654 - Strange Catch

Things that don't take up space in your hold! --

102032 - Secrets
108764 - Tales of Terror
102022 - Memories of a distant shore
110312 - A Vision of the Surface
105975 - Extraordinary Implication
111726 - Searing Enigma
109714 - Hunting Trophy
108974 - Outlandish Artefact
108653 - Strategic Information
109774 - Vital Intelligence
108975 - Captivating Treasure
109524 - Locket with a likely Lass' portrait
114104 - A Diplomatic Agent
109974 - a lump of Blue Scintillact
116010 - Royal-Blue Feathers
111371 - Hunter's Eye
108657 - Judgement's Egg
110630 - Mechanic's Secret
102023 - Zee Story

Things from the journal, which may or may not be helpful or cause events. Tread lightly and don't come crawling back to me when your save is corrupted and unplayable. --

114498 - Another day: A free evening
108750 - Unpreposessing mass
111728 - Depth of Swamp journey
116749 - Memoir: A Sun Stroke
110364 - A new recruit? Someone wants to sign on!
110360 - Time, the healer
109632 - Admiralty's Favor
108665 - Antiquarian
109123 - Encounters with the Whistful Deviless
109398 - Earning the acolyte's favor
109366 - Trading in Longboxes
114125 - Supremacy: Anarchists


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    • 3 围观围观
    • 2 无聊无聊



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