为塞班系统智能手机刷过机的友友,在刷机的过程一定会遇到过诸如:Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...这样的问题吧?这其实是两个问题的结合, 因为有人会以Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...为问题不能强刷,也有人会因为最后出现的Warning: Unable to communicate to product after flashing导致失败。
--- Press phone's power button! ---
Loading secondary boot code: 14592 bytes
Secondary boot loaded
Loading update server code: 292480 bytes
Update server loaded
Asic CMT: Programming 90%
Asic CMT: Programming 92%
Asic CMT: Programming 94%
Asic CMT: Programming 96%
Asic CMT: Programming 98%
WARNING: Asic CMT: NAND status reported bad blocks
Asic CMT: programming succeeded
Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device... (另 到这里时,电脑滴滴两声,表示 驱动断开)
Waiting for communication response: 25
Waiting for communication response: 24
Waiting for communication response: 23
Waiting for communication response: 1
Error 0x84009427 communicating to phone. Unable to verify comm.
Warning: Unable to communicate to product after flashing
All operations completed
Product flashing failed.
每次都是等25秒, 每次都出现这个问题
而且每次到这里 都提示连接断开...
WARNING: Asic CMT: NAND status reported bad blocks
Asic CMT: programming succeeded
Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...
当强刷信息出现到:WARNING: Asic CMT: NAND status reported bad blocks Asic CMT: programming succeeded
其实倒计时的作用并不大,当倒计时还在一点一点的走的时候, 就可以把USB线拔掉啦,因为手机已经自动开机了。。。