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5 页 4 手机软件测试工程师必备素质

4.1 Team Leader的任务和必备能力
 熟悉本组成员,包括知识、能力、经验、爱好等等
 是客户方和本组成员的接口,负责两者之间的沟通
 负责分配本组的任务,包括制定计划和日程安排
 总结每天的工作结果,若有重要的Error须汇报客户方负责人
 新进测试工程师的培训
 回答本组内其他测试人员的问题
 制作工作进度表,随时报告本组工作进度
 监督协调本组成员的工作
 收集本组成员的建议和要求
 部分测试工作
 检查测试条件是否满足
 控制工作质量
4.2 Error Manager的工作内容
 确认Error的真实性
 确定Error的Priority和Severity
 遇到问题时需要和客户方负责人商量
 The daily work of an error manager is handling errors and answer questions asked by
testers, engineers.
To finish the work well, an error manager must have the following skills.
1. An error manager must be more familiar with the UI spec than the others.
2. An error manager must be familiar with the process of handling errors.
For example:
If there is an error needing to be handled, the error manager should do the following
a. Check whether the error report is complete or not.
b. Make sure the error report is clear and clean.
c. Using all the related knowledge to judge whether it is a real error.
d. If not, set it to be ignored. If yes, search all the errors in the database to find
whether it is a known error.
e. If yes, set it to be duplicated. If not, try to reproduce it and add more information
to the report.
f. During the above steps, a manager should keep more communication with the reporter.
g. Finally, check who is the SCF that the error should be sent to.
3. An error manager must be familiar with the process of an error's living.
4. Be familiar with the tools, such as Lotus Notes, PC suite, Phoenix and so on.
4.3 测试工程师职责和应有素质
 Read UI Specification
 学习数据库里的Error Report(格式、内容和别人的思路)
 测试工作
 写Error Report和Test Case
 熟练使用相应的软件和工具
 态度明确、端正,有责任心,严谨的工作作风
 良好的沟通和协调能力,积极主动地与别人交流
 技术能力
 测试知识和技术
 编程知识和技术
 无线协议知识
 软件知识
 硬件知识
 语言水平
 英语水平


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