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v8.0 多语中文版
  • 文件分类工具(DropIt)v8.0 多语中文版
  • 软件大小:3.3M
  • 更新时间:2015-05-21 17:11
  • 软件语言:多国语言[中文]
  • 软件厂商:
  • 软件类别:国外软件 / 免费软件 / 文件处理
  • 软件等级:3级
  • 应用平台:WinAll, WinXP, Win7
  • 官方网站:http://www.cr173.com/
  • 应用备案:




例如我们想要将杂乱的 avi mp3 doc 三种文件分别放到:  e:\data\avi,e:\data\mp3 以及 e:\data\doc 三个文件夹,首先在管理(右键悬浮框,Manage)页面,用 Folder 按钮选择要存放的路径,这里是我们前面提到的 e:\data\avi 等目录,在 Search File 和 Apply 中间的文本框,填入 avi,mp3,doc 等扩展名,点击 Apply,会在 Extension List 位置出现列表。之后关闭管理界面。
这时,回到杂乱的文件堆,将文件直接拖到悬浮框里,便会自动移动/复制(右键悬浮框 Setting 设置) 到该类型预设文件夹。支持文件夹,直接将文件夹拖到悬浮框上,文件夹内的所有文件会自动分类(如遇见未设置文件类型,会提示设置),支持多层文件夹。DropIt 整理文件的帮手,选定很多各种类型的文件拖放到DropIt 的悬浮窗上,它就会按照你设定的分发目标目录整理文件,什么类型到什么目录。喜欢的朋友赶紧下载使用吧


DropIt 5.2发布。

DropIt 5.1发布。

Version 5.0 [17-03-2013]
- now relative paths in destination are always relative to each loaded file
- improved "Compress" action to merge items added to existent archives
- improved main context menu and Options window
- improved performance of various actions
- improved process loading all dropped files at the beginning
- improved support to "Import" profiles (from Customize context menu)
- added %Counter% abbreviation (to add file enumeration)
- added %UserInput% abbreviation (to type a custom input during process)
- added "Duplicate" button in associations context menu
- added context menu to the list of loaded items to get "Info" and to "Skip" them
- added highlight of filtered text in html lists (thanks to tpr)
- added list of loaded items in Processing window
- added option to close progress window when process is complete
- added option to process folders as files (instead of scan them if not associated)
- added option to show progress window for monitored folders (disabled by default)
- added option to start the process after loading
- added profile option to decide if integrate it in SendTo menu
- added some Info and Media abbreviations
- added some target images
- added support to create PDF and XLS lists
- added support to define a minimum size to scan only bigger monitored folders
- added support to "Export" profiles (from Customize context menu)
- added support to use a different html theme for each "Create List" association
- added support to use file and folder associations together (folders are scanned if not associated)
- removed "Check moved/copied files integrity" option (not needed anymore)
- removed "Enable associations for folders" option (not needed anymore)
- fixed crash if "Select Action" window is shown for a file loaded from SendTo menu
- fixed minor bugs in "Extract" and "Upload" actions
- fixed several minor bugs

DropIt 4.7发布。

DropIt 4.6 发布。

Version 3.9 [29-12-2011]
- improved automatic update (manually update this version to start with the new method)
- improved interface (thanks to Leif)
- improved support to HTML themes (thanks to tpr)
- improved support to manage duplicates
- added checkboxes for monitored folders
- added lightbox preview to open images of HTML lists
- added some internal environment variables
- added support to duplicate profiles
- added support to special actions as Command-Line parameters (using "/Key")
- removed Alt + FirstButtonCharacter support (due to compatibility problems)
- removed Context Menu integration (due to compatibility problems)
- fixed internal context menu issue with Windows Classic theme
- fixed minor bugs


文件分类工具(DropIt) v8.0 多语中文版


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第 1 楼 北京市 网友 客人 2013/10/30 17:23:10

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